Not so sweet

Cute, but not as sweet. “N” of GAIN and I came home to a bathroom door crossed with homemade caution tape. “I” was blocking the door with her body, telling us not to go in there. Obviously she wanted us to fall for the bait. So we did. We went in. We found what she…

Bee Mine

Knowing that St. Valentine’s Day is on Feb. 14, and knowing that we are s-l-o-w at getting things assembled and in the mail, and knowing that hand crafting valentines from all four kids plus me takes t-i-m-e, I’ve kept the supplies out since Feb. 1. “I” of GAIN’s latest creation was something, in her words,…

Shirt bag

I promised that I would show pictures of the shirt bag once I gave it to the birthday girl. Here they are. I decided that we were busy enough in February that I couldn’t wait much longer to give it, or I would miss her birthday all together. The pictures show the almost-two year old…