Quote of the Day

I just found a note that I wrote to myself. It’s a humorous quote of the day. In February, we talked every now and then about French words being said differently than how they are spelled: buffet, ballet, trebuchet, etc. This was spurred the loss of the Old Country Buffet restaurant in our town. In…

LEGO fun

We went to Washington, D.C. last week. We spent one evening at the mall. They have a LEGO store. You can see “N” of GAIN here with the wall of bricks. Each round container on the wall is full of one kind of brick. You can fill a cup with any of the bricks you…

Outdoor Crafting

I’ll share two projects from last week. We had a lot of time to craft while Mr. GAIN was out of town. Tuesday night, I suggested that the kids go outside to play after dinner. “A” of GAIN chose two activities and two of her siblings thought they would go along with her decisions —…