Quote of the Day

From “A” of GAIN: “I have to go water my bees.” From “I” of GAIN: “When I’m really high up in the tree, I feel like I’m part of the tree.” In other news, “N” of GAIN is quilling an atom for science class. His element is iron.


“I” of GAIN was very proud of her weaving project that she made at her dual enrollment art class. I shopped this evening at a local home school buy sell trade event, and got a book and loom for $1 for her. She was quite excited when I showed it to her. Crafting is in…

kids crafting

quick note here to let you know that I am not crafting, but the children are. “N” of GAIN nominated himself to craft a banner to use during scout patrols. “A” of GAIN has a notebook to make for science. she finished the beehive crafting last month. the bees are installed and loving their queen.…