Meme from Mama Podkayne

4. My parents divorced in 1984 or 1985. There is really nothing more to say on that subject, other than I think my classmates were shocked, but see #5. 5. My household does not contain geniuses. (Everyone always thinks the other family is better — smarter, closer, funner, etc.) I did score 4’s on my…

Six Things

1. I have better relationships with Mr. GAIN’s cousins and my mom’s cousins than they do. I actually meet and talk to them. And I’m really really good at remembering names and I like genealogy. 2. I used to edit and write a home school support group monthly newsletter. I think I did it for…

Meme from Mama Podkayne

I was tagged for the following meme: 6 things I have not written about before, that you don’t know about me….. This will take some thinking. The part about writing on topics unwritten shouldn’t be hard because both of my blogs are very focused. But the second part, well, people who know me, pretty much…

On, Off, On, Off the Sticks

I keep trying to modify a reversible cable pattern, and the stitches look good. The yarn does not. I’m trying to use a super bulky velour or velvet yarn, and the needles/yarn combo is not making a tight enough fabric to show off the cabling. So I’ve ripped the scarf out twice, at least. No…