Slugs, be gone.
(Hearty thank you to Laura for gifting me with even more magnetic poetry sequel words! They are awesome!)
I’ve scattered coffee grounds and pulverized egg shells around the green beans to keep the slugs from entering the bean area. I can’t bring myself to killing them. I noticed a recently-slimed plant and see that more leaves and flowers are coming, so I feel hopeful that some of last year’s fall bean success will come through to me this year.
My eyes wandered to the plant next door, a basil. See picture to the right that I snapped today. (I am humored by that fake snapping sound of digital cameras.) I had to take this shot, just in case it gets attacked. Slugs, I think you ate the baby lettuces I planted in this bed. Stay away from my basil (I’m trying not to grovel to an invertebrate).