Catching the Harvest Moon

When the Cub Scout meeting was over tonight, the Harvest Moon was low, large, and yellow. By the time we found a good spot to “catch the moon,” it was high, small, and white. This is the best shot we got. Kind of fun.

Our freecycled deep freezer is kaput. Unsure what to do at this point. I liked having it last year, our first year with a deep freeze, for stocking up those good deals on groceries.

After a couple of weeks wrestling with a routine — one kid in school full time, one in school half time, two at home pretty much all the time — the younger two figured out that they have at least two hours of free time in the afternoons before the other kids come home. They have spent this time either playing, or working at their grandparents’ house. Today, they played at home. The large crafting play was turning our back yard into a bicycle race course.
Then we had some small crafting, done after someone needed quiet time in order to quit fighting with everyone else in the house. Perler beads, a birthday gift.


  1. Heather's Moving Castle

    How pretty. I didn’t realize it was really the moon until I read your post. It came out nicely!

  2. ~Sara

    We saw the moon last night coming home form Thomas Mitchell. Huge, orange, very low to the ground. Brodie was very impressed. He is all about moon and stars right now.

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