Hail Storm

I need to spend some time editing a video to share our hail storm. Remnant scarf — wore it two days ago. needs length on end to accommodate tying like a neckerchief. Prayer shawl — growing longer. one-third finished. very pleased with the color combo. Crazy quilt — I need to buy “frame fabric.” If…

awarding the fifth blog

This has been in my head since the last post, but I was hesitant to award the last blog because I don’t want a ton of non-family visitors to their blog. Not that anything crazy is there. Sometimes it just feels odd to have strangers visit and comment. Gramps and Grandma Campbell (no hyperlink included)…

Sisterhood Award

From my sis IRL, one mom, five boys, I was given the Sisterhood Award. The rules of this award are… 1. Add the sisterhood logo to your blog or post. Check. 2. Nominate at least 5 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude! Check. See below. 3. Link to your nominees in your post. Check.…

New Knitter

Needle knitting for the first time! I came home this afternoon to find my child finishing Teddy’s scarf. Size 10.5 needles. No idea what this yarn is. Something fat and frizzy and acrylic but not splitty — perfect for a new knitter. She caught on very quickly after a few attempts over the years. She…

not finished

The batting in my trunk is all narrow strips. No memory of why. Fortunately, batting was 50% off at LFS (local fabric store) — $4.99 before sales tax. I cut some more brown frames from the last of my remnants. I’ll need more. No appropriate remnants at LFS. Will check a couple other places before…