I finished the prayer shawl by adding fringe. Unsure if the Homespun yarn will maintain its integrity as fringe. I chose one skein of yarn from the basket and will work it with the remaining yarn from my last shawl to create a new shawl. Unsure if it will have fringe.
During the meeting, the leader read a card to us from a recent recipient, and I was touched. Many stories about the effect of prayer shawls from a faith community have affected me as I work on projects for this ministry.
Reading Karen’s post about taking a class with her daughter reminded me of our prayer shawl ministry. We meet monthly, and we always have at least one school ager in the mix. The most consistent school kid is a 7th grader, and she made a presentation to her 4-H group about knitting. She invited everyone in the group to learn to knit at our Prayer Shawl meeting, so we had two kids and mom learn to knit tonight! Last meeting, we had 4th graders knitting with us, as well as a college freshman.
Multi-age learning, leisure and life skills are things that I have striven for in my adult life. I am thankful that I have the freedom to explore all sorts of things to satisfy my quest for the new, new to me, thing. I think I was really narrow in my view of education until my freshman year of college. At that time, I visited a professor, and he said, “You don’t have to be enrolled in a college course to learn something.” He then gestured with his arm to the wall of full bookshelves behind him. He had a very diverse collection of reading material. Until that time, I think I was wearing blinders. Thank you, Sam, wherever you are!