Getting closer

I have one row of blocks left to go! I hope to shop for a backing cloth tomorrow. My gut tells me that I’ll have to make ‘sides’ for the quilt top, but I think that work will pass quickly.

Looking back, I have learned that I can tolerate a certain amount of precision. The ‘frames’ around my blocks are an example of that. In the past, precision has been a deterrent for me. Now that I’ve had some success, I see perfection/precision as a non-issue. And it looks cool.

I also learned that a foundation may have been a good idea. I read about the foundation layer in the book that inspired me, but I didn’t understand the idea king with a couple blocks in particular. There is really only one fabric that gave me trouble, making me wish I had used muslin behind it. In my next project, perhaps a string quilt, I will use foundation. Especially because I have a 40% off all muslin coupon 🙂 Anyway, I don’t remember “A” of GAIN telling me to sew my pieces on a foundation layer, and she was my main mentor.

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