Jeans Quilt
What I do not use.
What I do not use.
At least ten years ago, I would watch a show called “Donna’s Day.” She had great activity suggestions for kids roughly ages four through ten, including pretzel making. I decided soon after Ash Wednesday that this year I would remember to make pretzels and hot cross buns for Lent. In my laziness (Why compose and…
The We Wilsons thing didn’t come next. I looked at the neat but overgrown stack of denim on my bedroom floor and thought I should work on a jeans quilt. My time would be spent more wisely reclaiming the floor space in my room than cleaning with a duster mitt. Some of the jeans were…
Inspired by We Wilsons, tonight, the younger two kids (the older ones didn’t seem excited by a flame) and I burned our yarn and fabric in order to learn the fiber content. I specifically had yarn from my grandmother that I wanted to identify. You’ll recognize several Lion Brand yarns — I felt I wouldn’t…