crafting interrupted

current crafts got pushed to the wayside as more urgent crafting came. as in, a birthday. I was working on a really cool  project,”G” of GAIN’s jeans quilt. He finally got all the ties finished, and I was trimming the batting. Then I realized that the quilt can wait. What’s another month? LOL We have…

Crafting this week

Notable crafting this week follows. I have no control over the picture orientation — they rotate on their own. “I” of GAIN Academy’s first venture with the “big” sewing machine — a baby hat. Go, girl! It’s modeled on a handy ceramic Garrrigan figure. (We think it’s supposed to be high school aged Uncle Andy.…

New FO’s

FO. That’s crafter blogger talk for “Finished Object.” Have I use that term here? I remember taking forever to figure out what FO meant on all the craft blogs. Our current FO’s were inspired by BIL’s expected arrival this Friday morning. “I” of GAIN’s first machine sewn project — a baby hat. I found this…