New FO’s

FO. That’s crafter blogger talk for “Finished Object.” Have I use that term here? I remember taking forever to figure out what FO meant on all the craft blogs.

Our current FO’s were inspired by BIL’s expected arrival this Friday morning. “I” of GAIN’s first machine sewn project — a baby hat. I found this place, and had “I” try it. The pedal for the sewing machine works better on top of a thick phone book, and could use more height for her short legs, but she made it go just fine.

My project was made with inspiration from Mr. TellBlast (sometimes called Mr. GAIN) I’d had a bib pattern from nested chosen for a long time. At least four months. But what about the fabric? As we walked fruitlessly through (chain store that used to carry only fabric), him getting a headache due to lighting, me getting a headache from the lack of good choices, Mr. GAIN says, “What do you have for scraps? Maybe you could make a star or something in the center. Let’s leave this place.”

So we get home and I find a LOT of 2″ squares in a drawer of my sewing desk. I have no recollection of cutting these. They’re all gray. I pieced together a bib front, cut it; cut the bib back. The pocket still needs to be made. Decisions about the pocket will come later.


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