Notable crafting this week follows. I have no control over the picture orientation — they rotate on their own.
“I” of GAIN Academy’s first venture with the “big” sewing machine — a baby hat. Go, girl! It’s modeled on a handy ceramic Garrrigan figure. (We think it’s supposed to be high school aged Uncle Andy. We are giving it to him on Monday.)
I used another T-shirt (how did I get so many?) to make a bib. This goes along with the checkerboard bib that I began the night before. Construction is much faster when the fabric is all ready to go 🙂
Tomato sauce and grape jelly. Verdict: I’ll probably never can tomato sauce again. Freezing tomatoes and making the sauce the day I need it is more efficient with my time. Grape jelly? YES, I would make this again. Less labor than elderberries, flavor is much better (awesomely tangy!), very easy to make with little time at the stove.
Finally, I made a drying rack for dehydrating food today. I made a cardboard box dehydrator and it is hard to use — cumbersome to move, awkward to put into position, little area for food (I was using soda can cases), just not working for me. I found a wooden frame of some sort in the basement. It must have been in the basement when we moved in. I cleaned it off, reinforced with string, and stapled fiberglass mesh (window screen) to it. I had apples on it this afternoon. I’m thinking two more days and I should be able to decide if it’s working for me or not.
Diana Bauman