more scraps

ok, i found a box of MORE fabric scraps in the basement. oct. happens to be scrapbuster month. I found this idea, and started it today. I had been wanting make one out of a kitchen towel (we have one that Matt’s aunt made) for a gift. Bag dispensers are very handy. They keep bags out of the way in a neat, well-kept manner. And I can take out one at a time for our small trash cans and other little everyday uses. Our lighting is poor right now, being dark outside and all, but I will get photos up.

I’ve pretty much been on a fabric spending freeze for a year, but I haven’t stopped stitching. How cool, what a great accomplishment! I feel good that I have more space in my sewing desk drawers. Lots more space, hallelujah!

Side note: If you can get to the national cup fencing competition, it is pretty cool. HyVee Hall for fencing, followed by the Hall of Pride, is a pleasant use of time. Many good additions have come to the Hall of Pride. Except for the amount of tokens going from ten to three, everything about the museum is great. It’s not all sports.