I am having a hard time finishing just about everything. I started a yo-yo necklace back when my mom first went into the hospital mid-Dec. My grandma introduced me to yo-yo’s, not as a shared experience, but as a show and tell. She’s always got some craft going. For some reason I think she had a yo-yo form. I could very well be wrong, though.
Mom and I laid my yo-yo’s on the hospital bed to look like a Y-necklace (turn your head sideways), but needed some different colored fabric. And I was concerned about the weight/drape/spinning yo-yo’s not staying where I wanted them. Then I saw a bib necklace, and thought I should change to a bib of yo-yo’s. See second picture. I liked the stabilization that the bib offered. I already decided not to use hot glue as another blogger, but stitches with thread. But looking at it on the carpet shows me that something is not right. Gotta lose the red. I had a nice dark color from my travel purse, but it’s just so stiff that it doesn’t work well for yo-yo’s.
And is that yo-yo’s with a hyphen and an spostrophe proper English? I can’t decide what’s right, so I’ll think some more. I may end up in a fabric shop soon (gasp).
I have a new “watercolor-a-day” calendar to say that I have finished something. I chose it because of its small (finish-able) sized works and to have something artsy and new every day. This cow painting is from today. I didn’t really finish it. Yesterday’s painting was really good, but I can’t find it. If I did, I could scrapbook my works. Or not. That would be one big scrapbook, because I get a new work to paint each weekday.
I thought I could probably talk my youngest daughter into using her tubes of watercolors and paint with more than five colors and have less blending. The calendar comes with blue, red, yellow, green, and black cakes of paint. I haven’t gotten the tubes out yet. Maybe I want to suffer like artists of old. And feel the temporal nature of the work. And I wonder how my great-grandma mixed her colors, if she did at all. One of her paintings would make a nice gift. Maybe my daughter’ll join me tomorrow, because she doesn’t have classes out of the house on Wednesdays. We could paint side by side. Home schooling is cool like that.
The last item in this post is the pannetone. Yeah, I thought about making one, then ran away. I’m an unfinisher lately, remember? Special Christmas dish or not, I couldn’t visualize myself making this thing happen. Then I went to Walgreens (love the coupon stacking and register rewards). 75% off pannetones, and chocolate chip pannetone to boot! Woot! $1.74 for dessert. My younger son dished it up tonight.
Sorry I don’t have photo editing software on my laptop. You gotta turn your head to the side a lot today. OK, just twice, but hey, I can act like a baby sometimes.
At least I can purposely say that I have not finished my bag giveaway! Entries are being taken until Jan. 16, 2010.
Hi there! I'm Marigold from Hideous! Dreadful! Stinky! and I did the tutorial for the yo-yo-necklace that you mentioned in this post. I've *just* started a Flickr pool for completed projects based on and/or inspired by my tutorials and blog entries, and I'd love to have you post your completed necklace in the pool. The Flickr group can be found here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1309748@N20/
Thanks so much, and I hope to see your project in the group!