Bread crafting

The kids and I took this last week as spring break. I’ll report on our last week in small bits this week.

Just like last year, we attended the St. Joseph’s Day luncheon and took in the family and group altars. It is a very enriching experience for my faith. The history in short form: Sicilians had a drought during the Middle Ages. They prayed to their patron saint, St. Joseph. He brought rain. They celebrated with fava beans, the crop that saved them from starvation (and usually reserved to feed livestock). Today’s community maintains the tradition.

“A” of GAIN enriched her faith this week in same manner as last year, too. She volunteered with our church’s youth group in its Faith in Action (FIA) program. In FIA, the group begins the day with daily mass, then does meaningful work in the community — sorting the food pantry donations from the past weekend and cleaning the facility, cleaning our church and its gym bleachers, sandbagging in Birdland, and working on the parish’s Habitat for Humanity House.

More about our week will come later.