I used my Bird Branch Alphabet all the time until three weeks ago. I thought I would save time by taking all my inky stamps in my hand and rub them clean under a stream of water from the faucet. I lost the letter ‘s’ down the drain. whoops. (I saved the letter ‘l.’)
Since I use the letter ‘s’ frequently, this loss has put a cramp in my stamping.
I sent an email pretty soon afterward to Hero Arts, the manufacturer. After waiting two weeks, I inquired at the scrapbook store and was given a toll-free phone number. I didn’t call it.
Then this week, I got this in the email inbox:
Thank you for your interest in Hero Arts.
Please provide us with your mailing address and we’d be more than happy to mail you a replacement letter at no charge.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Hero Arts
How awesome is that?