Girl with a knife series, installment 5 (and bokeh)

This is my entry for Miss B’s Souvenir Foto School:: Food + Foto session. I’m a little sad that the six week session is almost over (we’re on week 5 of 6). It’s been fun to interact with participants. The quick feedback is very gratifying and appreciated.

This photo is also my entry into Darcy’s Holiday Bokeh Party. (In case you are wondering, I’ve settled on saying “BOH-key.”) When she tweeted about bokehs, I knew I wanted to try making one. Using information from Kevin and Amanda’s tutorial and Darcy’s own tutorial, I did two test shots using a book in the foreground. That’s when I knew I could make bokehs. I love learning new concepts. Thank you, Darcy.

Then I left for 20 hours in instruction. The weather on the last day was brutal. Now recovered from the instruction, I took some time to work on my photos. I hope you like the result.