Social Media and Nature

Meet me in Dallas Center Learn to Use Social Networking Websites I’ll talk about the ways that social networking can enhance your nature study. Brenton Arboretum in Dallas Center, IA Sat., March 5 from 9 – 11 AM My younger kids and I have enjoyed visits to the Brenton Arb over the past years. The…

Minivan overload

Our minivan died on Monday. Having fought with the transmission for about three weeks, I had to put the van to rest on a side street while taking “I” of GAIN to art class. In searching, Mr. TellBlast and I are finding a large pre-owned inventory. I just want a reliable set of wheels…

Frugal Tuesday Tip

The Frugal Tuesday Tip is a linky blog hop, dedicated to encouraging the frugal lifestyle. It is hosted by: Sara at Learning the Frugal Life Julia S. at Confessions of a Frugal Mind and me! If you have done something frugal this last week, share it here by joining our linky blog hop or leave a comment. Keep it…

Frugal Tuesday Tip Week 4

The Frugal Tuesday Tip is a linky blog hop, dedicated to encouraging the frugal lifestyle. It is hosted by: Sara at Learning the Frugal Life Julia S. at Confessions of a Frugal Mind and me! If you have done something frugal this last week, share it here by joining our linky blog hop or leave a comment. Keep it…