Happy Sunday, everyone! The Sunday newspaper is an excellent place to get grocery coupons, so I thought I’d make a list of ways to use your coupons more effectively.
Top Ten Tips for Using Grocery Coupons
- Have a budget, as explained by frugal mom Sara
- Set a spending goal and a saving goal like local dad Trent does
- Get coupons in the free Sunday newspaper
- Print out internet coupons or ask manufacturer’s to send you coupons
- Organize your coupons in a binder, just I did in the photo.
- Compare ads and make a shopping list to maximize your time and money
- Take advantage of sales by creating a stockpile
- Manage the stock pile
- Read an e-book, like Learning the Frugal Life’s Grocery Rules. I co-authored this title! It covers meal planning, which goes hand in hand with grocery shopping and stock piling. Price: $1.50
- Consider an Eat from the Pantry Challenge like local mom Karen. Or, if you are really daring, jump-start your savings with 30 Days of Nothing
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