Crafty Monday: Graduation cards and breadsticks

julia making cards This weekend, I made a couple graduation cards. Terribly overdue.

With all the stuff on the table that was cropped out of this thumbnail photo, you might see why I don’t make cards all the time.

I usually have an inspired idea, I just don’t take the time to do so. Now that the barn is moved, I have a little more time. Of course, homeschool webcasts are the next big thing on my to-do list, but I think they will take less time than the barn. Join me on Thursday from 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.! (I welcome collaboration, so if you are a homeschool supplier and want a sponsorship, let me know.)

Here is the almost finished results. After this photo was taken, I drew another horizontal line for balance.

two graduation cards

My kids have also been crafting. The boys have been whittling, de-barking, and carving sticks. I’ll have to get a photo up soon. Here is what my youngest started the other evening. They are breadsticks. She also included a firework complete with fuse and sparks.
