I’ve been examining coffee over at Examiner.com. I have one or two more articles to add to my Examiner coffee series, but I’m thinking that the most frugal coffee shop is the one in my kitchen.
I personally use a coffee press, and have for about four and a half years. I chose it for a few reasons that I’ll share here. (And that’s why I have a personal blog, not just a journalistic Examiner column.)
- The capacity. I’m the only person in the house who drinks coffee. I started for social reasons around the age of 34. Now that I can’t drink milk without serious stomachaches, I consume more coffee and tea than before. I always want to limit my consumption for various reasons, and this helps me control it.
- The low cost and maintenance.
- Small footprint on the countertop.
- It looks cool.
- I can use it for loose tea.
- This model is insulated and travels well. I can take it camping. I can have it in the car.
Other than that, I will add that I grind up to a half pound of coffee at the grocer’s every couple weeks. I keep the coffee in a small resealable box with an almost identical footprint. The press requires a coarse grind that doesn’t come pre-packaged and pre-ground and with manufacturer’s coupons.
The first coffee press that I owned was glass, and I HAD to pour that coffee out to drink it. (The glass carafe broke, by the way. No more cozy coffee.)
Holly P
Holly P