My coupon meetup is next week and I’m really looking forward to it. Here’s how I’m getting ready for the BIG DAY, Nov. 12 at Caribou Coffee. There is plenty of time to RSVP; or just show up if you’re not on Facebook or have an unpredictable schedule.
- Every week, I’ve been cutting coupons. I’m also saving, but not cutting, all the coupons that I won’t use — stuff for pets, babies, and many personal care items — in a pile on a shelf.
- When I see coupons on cereal boxes and mailers, I’m cutting them, holding them together with a paper clip, and setting them on top of the pile.
- As I file coupons in my binder, I’m making a mental note of the top three or four coupons that I’d like to have more of. Prioritizing keeps me focused and prevents me from being blindly greedy at the meetup.

The Frugal Tuesday Tip is a linky blog hop, dedicated to encouraging the frugal lifestyle. It is hosted by:
- Sara at Learning the Frugal Life
- Julia S. at Confessions of a Frugal Mind
- Kimberly at Frugal Playground
- and me!
If you have done something frugal this last week, share it here by joining our linky blog hop or leave a comment. Keep it Rated G, and link back to here by copying and pasting the following text in your post or you can copy (Control-A, Control-C) and paste (Control-V) the code in the box to place our blog hop button anywhere on your blog: