Who knew? It’s National Hug a Blogger Day, as explained by Vera. I’ve hugged a few bloggers in my life. We met because of a shared passion:
We met because of the barn. It’s me, with Brandon, Kari, my son “N” of GAIN (formerly blogging his fiction), and Sarah with her three kiddos. Sarah blogs at Surviving in a Male Dominated Household, The Soap Boxers, My Grandfather’s Words (OK, she transcribes this one), and Mommy’s Recess. Holly is not pictured, but she occasionally writes in her blog, Hollylooyah.
Also because of the barn, Michael Libbie had Reike and me speak at one of his webcasts.
We met because of blogging. Although a couple blogger meetups occur in our area, I formed my own group because the demographics and date/time combo were a bad fit. The four of us below started the Frugal Tuesday Tip.
We know each other because we were talking about home schooling — Maria, Diana, and me.
And of course, I met bloggers at last year’s i_blog conference. I love being around people who are smarter than I am. I don’t have any photos from the conference with me in them — I must not have felt like hugging people. I think I know more bloggers in real life, like Kim, but don’t have photos.
Since I’ve mentioned it, I’ll let you all know that i_blog is now called Social Technology Conference. If you want to grow your blog and expand into social media, this will be a great event. I guarantee it, because I’m helping Jody make it great this year. I’ll give a preview in early Dec. There is early bird pricing until Dec. 16, 2011 — $100 (affiliate link here). The price rises to $125 after that.