My oldest and I were invited to talk on the radio. We were foolin’ around, most definitely. Smiles and laughs, stories and experiences were relayed over the airwaves. As I reflect on the path we took to our radio spots, though, I realized that we could fool around because my husband and I took time to implant the habit of practicing faith. Not just having faith, but actively practicing. There was a freedom and basic understanding while we spoke this week, and it allowed us to joke and be comfortable talking publicly, and it came from years of purposeful and deliberate habit training.
I could have chosen to not practice my faith as I grew older. I could have chosen to be more passive and not struggle with small children every week at church. I didn’t have to give religious instruction in our home schooling. We were definitely not fooling around. Having discipline and commitment led to our ability to fool around. Like choreography on a stage is set — once the groundwork is understood, you are free to interpret and let your artistic side shine. But you need a lot of rehearsal first.
Here’s the shot:
To learn more about laying the groundwork of habits, grab a copy of Charlotte Mason’s work, Home Education, vol. 1.
To learn more about P52, visit Darcy.