It’s time for my semi-regular post about our year of dual enrollment. As home school students, my kids get the chance to opt-in to a program that I like to call “separate but equal,” which means they get the services and benefits of a school on a part-time basis. If I want my kid to have a 5th grade science book, then he is entitled to receive the equivalent of what his peers receive. If he wants to attend music class at the school, then he gets assigned to a homeroom and follows that homeroom’s schedule.
I’ve procrastinated this topic, because the Special Needs Conference has given me a LOT to ponder — I’ve decided to write two school-related posts. I intend to write about my special needs kids, bullying, 504 plans, and harassment before summer is over, but for now, here are some things for public school teachers to know about dual enrollment.
1. Respect my time. I am also a teacher. I respect your schedule. I give updates in advance when our schedule changes, and I know you appreciate the info. If your schedule changes, I would appreciate a phone call.
2. If you have concerns, tell me. Or tell your principal. Don’t forget about it or feel that your concern doesn’t matter because my kid isn’t under your stead for more than an hour. I expect a real teacher, one of vocation and not occupation, to speak up.
That really sums up all of my issues with the past year.
What would you ask of your school staff? How could they make your kids’ year better?