Kitchen update

Last you knew, we still needed to add the granite countertop. We have now finished that, but need to add the overhanging trim pieces and backsplash:

julia's new countertop

the masking tape in the foreground will be used for the overhanging trim pieces.

Before we put the granite in place, we tested our new sink and faucet. I really wanted a stainless steel sink. I grew up with one, I’m a fan of its weight and stainless properties. Mr. TellBlast really wanted double sink basins. We knew we needed a faucet that would accommodate large pots. We ended up with a winning sink and faucet combination. Once it’s back in place, I’ll show you.

I thought you might like to see where all the kitchen cabinets went — my living room. There are also a couple in my dining room. Hence, the lack of crafting. I can barely get my hands on essential cooking supplies, let alone crafting stuff.

juliecache's living room is full of kitchen cabinets

That is pretty depressing to me. On a more positive note, below is a recent purchase. After weekly triathlon prep, “I” of GAIN and I stop at the Ankeny Farmer’s Market to visit her Uncle Joe. You can visit his etsy shop, but there’s nothing listed. I hope to work on changing that within the year. Maybe you remember this piece that he made for my husband.  He’s also got a lot of hard fixtures at 8/7 Central and Raygun. Anyway, I was excited to purchase this cutting board. I’m sure I passed the maker’s home in Sheldahl many times during our years in Ames. Isn’t it pretty?

julia's new cutting board, buy local, ankeny farmers market