The kitchen sink

The kitchen sink has been physically enhanced with a garbage disposal. Our old one still works, but we could not find a collar to fit it to. So here is our new one going in.

julia mr. tellblast kitchen

A few notes from the users manual were nice read aloud to the kids:

  • use cold water when running the disposal
  • put grease and fat in the garbage, not the garbage disposal
  • run the water for a few seconds before running the disposal and leave both running for a few seconds after it sounds like all the food has run through

My hope this entire year has been to do a minimum of one thing per day toward finishing the kitchen. Mr. Tellblast, “N” of GAIN, and I got three things done the other evening.

  • replace the cupboards above the refrigerator
  • reposition the countertop next to the fridge
  • replace the cupboard above that counter

On my own, I was laying contact shelf paper down on a couple cabinet floors. On his own, Mr. TellBlast put the kitchen light in place. I had it up before I retextured the ceiling just to test it. Between that time and the other night, several little parts for the light fixture went missing 🙁

I can now flip a switch and have light in the kitchen. I was using a trouble light (like this) that I plugged in to the wall.