Kitchen update: the microwave oven

July 20, 2012 was my last kitchen update – wow. Long time ago. I came home from work this week to see Mr. TellBlast finishing this project:


My new microwave oven! It’s a Samsung, so it matches our stove/convection oven — I like having matching handles and silver tones.

He really wanted a microwave oven that operated as a range for the stove and have it vented outdoors. The venting was the issue that kept the micro project on hold. There just are no parts properly sized to connect the ductwork from the micro to the outdoors. So alas, we are not vented to the outdoors. Venting outside makes a LOT of sense to me, but apparently the industry doesn’t support me here. I cursed my way through many area home improvement stores.

We’ve been using the microwave by having it set on a folding card table. Not the sturdiest. It rocked every time I opened and closed the door, so liquids always spilled, even with a fair amount of tolerance (or headspace, you choose your term). It caused cursing. And a couple of tantrum-like outbursts directed at Mr. TellBlast. I think I’ll start enjoying my new appliance, rather than simply using it. And probably thanking my husband frequently.