Community Garden kick-off night

Tonight was the bone-chilling kick-off night for the community garden. The community garden is in its first year.  Only ten plots were given. I’ve heard that you have to go slow to go fast….

commy garden (2) cropped

The piles behind the plots are, left to right: mulch, compost, and mulch.

I really liked the way our Superintendent of Recreation greeted us and stated that everyone attending was the community in the community garden, and that hopefully we’d get to know each other.

commy g mtg (2) adjusted

I marked my plot with a yard sign.

A youth athletic team was practicing while we were there. The coach came over to talk to us. He knew something was up, especially when the water tank was set up in its loft. I’ll have to get a snapshot of it. The tank will be locked. (Of course, I’ve already lost my key. I put in an un-closeable pocket because I was wearing gloves. Bad move.)

After everyone left, I asked the superintendent about participation. I told him that I had worried that not enough people would sign up to hold the pilot. He said the opposite occurred. For very little promotion (and a very short promotion time), ten people were assigned plots and fifteen people were placed on a waiting list. It sounds like shortly after posting on the Facebook page (in early March. I’m unsure if this is the park and rec page or the city manager page.), many phone inquiries came.  He also mentioned that the daily newspaper wanted to run a story on the program, but they were told to not run a story in order to reduce the number of upset people who couldn’t get a plot. He also mentioned that he’d love to supply a shed for garden tools in future years.

I drove to one of our neighboring city’s community garden plots about an hour later. They are much farther along in their program.

franklin Collage

In case you are wondering, I used PicMonkey to create this collage.

I like the idea of plot holders celebrating a harvest together with a picnic. What vegetable do look forward to growing?