Running: Why I do it

I have mentioned running a few times on my blog. Like homeschooling, my reasons for running change frequently. My motivation is always fitness, but the mini-motivators, the daily why, changes almost daily. As I sit here with a swollen and tender left knee, I thought I’d “reflect aloud” for you all to see the evolving…

Return to the produce auction

I met my brother and his family at a produce auction. While I have attended in the past {and recorded my first produce auction visit here exactly two years ago [and at (here and here)]}, this was their first time. Everything was pretty much as I remember it, but the physical space was better. Lighting,…


I didn’t mention our camping trip in “My August” post, but our first weekend in August was spent at a nearby campground. I had hoped to find some geocaches, but the undergrowth is denser than I like. Despite the drought, it’s fairly thick in most places at this park. So I ditched that plan quick.…