Honest honey

Our weather is turning cooler, so as you can see, I need to start protecting the beehives. Bees do not hibernate during winter. They work just like you and I to stay at one temperature, somewhere between 89 – 96 degrees F. They eat in the hive. They excrete their waste outside on mild winter…

Bee activity

We’ve had a drought, but my yearly goal in planting perennials that have adapted well to our Iowa prairieland seems to have worked — my plantings look pretty nice. I read about someone who replaced lawn grass every year with a few feet of perennials, making less lawn to mow as she aged (she planned…

Picking in the river

It’s pretty easy to do nothing at the river. Everyone should cultivate an attitude of no expectations while visiting a river, just enjoy the site and be in the moment. Just being in the river or near the river can give a nice sensory experience. Or like my son did yesterday, you can “see what…