{ honey bees } Mouse in the house

On warm winter days, I visit the hives to check their overall well-being. On this day, it was 50 degrees with no wind. I saw my homemade hive — the entrance reducer was on the ground. I have another hive where this happened three times, also on a homemade bottom board. The issue here is tolerances — a…

Beekeeping year in review: 2014

As a beekeeper, December is a slower time of year, which gives me an opportunity to reflect on my farming during 2014. Sometimes I think, “Gosh, I went crazy this year.” Then other times, I think, “That was a really fun time.” So in no particular order, here is my beekeeping year of 2014 in a short list.…

Urban farming: I was featured

I was pleased to see that I was featured in two recent Urban Farm blog entries. I think I found the Urban Farm through GNOWFGLINS — Urban Farm and GNOWFGLINS have been sources of continual inspiration to do more, do better, do different. If I want to move from idea to reality, gathering information and giving myself some continuing ed is a must. So…