I saw many changes this year. I had no idea until I began thinking over coffee one morning. I’m sure you’ve all felt the same way, a thought that goes something like — “Wow, I really did do stuff in one year. I impress myself.” Here are some things that I did.
- I did a daily review of my outfits. I found it very helpful.
- I saved tens of thousands of bees. Since I lost my Younkers relocation post, here is a photo:
- I had a couple technology upgrades — a new laptop at Halloween and a smart phone at Christmas.
- I acted like a grown up and had office jobs. The first was being a product engineer for nine months, the second is currently being a loan servicing specialist which I’m estimating will last six months. I definitely have learned many things about office environments by observing many interactions with others. I would say that being older, confident, and assertive are good qualities.
- I also worked on my house. Shocking, I know. The first floor’s flooring was the focus. Mr. TellBlast and I worked right up until Christmas Eve laying tile in the laundry area. I looooove it. We waited for a long time to finish it, and it was generally easy. Having the garden hose would have been nice, but being winter and all, I felt OK declaring 5 gallon buckets as consumable.
- I used my technology skills to help a couple non-profit groups. When I feel strongly about a group’s mission, it’s easy to work. I created and maintained websites and managed social media. Outside of working with awesome organizations, the best part for me was the temporary part. I know some people freak out when there is no stability or a known endpoint, but to me, that’s part of the fun of it. Or I have a commitment problem. Maybe it’s more of an attention issue. Hmmmm. I’ll have to think about that more. Or not.