queen bee, honey

All hail, the Queen

I knew I would need to combine two queenless hives once their populations decreased enough to be manageable. I chose today. I knew that the one hive, despite my best efforts over the last five weeks, chose to not move up and take advantage of the space I was giving it and had swarmed. Probably…


I thought it might be fun to see what I keep on my top shelf. I didn’t straighten it before I took this. Just a little window into my world. I do deskies every and then, but I thought I’d change it up a bit. Near my desk is my ‘landing area,’ the top of a…

queen bee, swarm, honey bee

Late season swarms

This August may end up as crazy as last August with respect to swarm calls. I get at least one call a day; my highest volume day was six swarm calls. Did I mention that today is August 1o? We still have a lot of days left! I ended up getting one swarm. (Approximately one-third of the calls I…

Honey in the mainstream

I took my youngest child clothes shopping, and while she was in a fitting room, I took a stroll out of curiousity to see if the store had any honey inventory. It did! On its food shelves, there were bottles of specialty honeys: acacia, eucalyptus, lavender, and creamed honeys. I also found honey in the beauty area: bubble bath…