June Journal 06/02/2018

Almost everything extra has fallen by the wayside for me in the last couple months. May was completely centered on I of GAIN graduating from high school. We celebrated with family and friends today, which was a great blessing. Everything out of our control, including the weather, worked out. (phew! 0.7″ of rain fell early this morning)

As I took some quiet, off-my-feet time after the party, I scrolled through my Instagram and found a new challenge — Make Time Farm is hosting the June Journal. I will take her snippet of the day and draw something quick — no big elaborate, detailed scenes; no hours on end of getting things right. Just enough to regain a practice. (I met Make Time Farm at the last Women, Food and Agriculture Network conference in Madison.)

Why? Because one of our guests today saw the visual art we had displayed for I’s party and asked about my visual art background. I have plenty of supplies from my childhood and adulthood to make art. Now is as a good a time as any to have discipline and draw, especially if someone else is providing the inspiration. Here is my first #JuneJournal:

june journalThe snippet reads: It’s all she could do, to steward this prairie where she knew his love had died.

What speaks to me in this snippet:

  • she
  • steward (love love love the use of this word)
  • prairie