June Journal 06/05/2018

Today’s snippet for the #JuneJournal was open, blank, my choice. Because I know Make Time Farm through agriculture, I thought it appropriate to choose an agricultural subject for today. On my way home tonight, I stopped at the urban orchard where I’m its grant administrator. I have been following the season with each tree and…

June Journal 06/04/2018

Today’s snippet: The only dog who needed a nightlight during a thunderstorm. My take on the snippet: I had (I think) a set of three nursery rhyme nightlights as a child. This is one of them — Little Bo Peep — a white plastic box attached to an orange plastic truncated cone. I don’t think…

June Journal 06/03/2018

Today’s snippet was about a riding lawn mower that was doing things it wasn’t meant to do. Translating that to my own life, my front porch light was not meant to be robin’s nest. It was meant to be a clean, unadorned light fixture. It is not a bird house. We clean this thing multiple…

June Journal 06/02/2018

Almost everything extra has fallen by the wayside for me in the last couple months. May was completely centered on I of GAIN graduating from high school. We celebrated with family and friends today, which was a great blessing. Everything out of our control, including the weather, worked out. (phew! 0.7″ of rain fell early…