I just had a bee club meeting at my house and it was full of information. (We have the best bee club, by the way) As we spoke about future meetings, November will be about value-added products, and I remembered my Bees Wrap products.
When I was in Washington, D.C. last year for the National Farmers Union Fly-In (info on 2019 Fly-In here), I purchased a package of Bees Wrap (reviewed here for the small, medium, and large sizes) from the NPR Store. (There are bee hives on the roof of their building!)
After a year of use, I thought I would re-review the product. Here is what I think:
- I use the small size MUCH more than the medium and large sizes.
- The wraps show signs of distress from folding. I fold the wraps to store them and keep them clean (more on this point below). I fold them in different ways most of the time just in case the fold lines were to become unsticky. See photo below.
- Very slight discoloration has occurred from wrapping the ends of zucchini (green) and sweet potatoes (orange).
- Despite looking distressed, they still stick to things. I store the wraps in the flat cardboard envelope package to keep them clean. They are so sticky that I’m afraid of lint and other things clinging to them, reducing their performance and dirtying my food.
- The small wrap seems to be less sticky because it is used so much, but not enough for me to mind or buy a new one.
- I have not noticed any transfer of wax to my food.
- I was reading on the Bees Wrap website that scraps are used for fire starters, so once the wraps become un-sticky, I plan to burn them. (FUN!)
- With the performance I have gotten from more than weekly use of the wraps, I think they were a good investment at $18 for a package of three.