julia holds up copies of the phenology planner for beekeepers

Phenology Planner

While supplies last, the Phenology Planner for tallgrass prairie was distributed in 2022 to help beekeepers keep track of native plants’ bloom times and how much bees were attracted to them and when. Planners are free upon request, you pay the cost of media mail only. Send me an email with how many planners you…

Lollipop Swarm

I belong to a swarm call list in my area, and I got a call a couple evenings ago. I had just returned from swimming and was getting ready to make a homemade pizza. I rarely eat pizza, but I had a couple slices back in May and again in June, and was giving in…

Tornado Update 04 29 2022

The queen inside Toto was wandering around last weekend Before I start, we all need to prepare for the alphabet soup. USDA stands for the United States Department of Agriculture. It has a division called FSA (Farm Service Agency). Through the FSA county office (the county where the hives were), I applied for ELAP (Emergency…

Tornado Update

A tornado took my colonies and a deadout hive on March 5, 2022. That was one month ago. Since that time, I’ve had many generous people assisting me — going on-site while I was out of state to assess and make surviving colonies right, offers of splits, donations of money to cover what ELAP (Emergency…