
If you read my bio or visit my house, you probably know that the unused rooms in my house were converted to a homeshare style AirBnb as a way to benefit the Sustainable Iowa Land Trust and to maintain and maximize my house as a resource. I would like to have the air flow and…

Tornado Update

A tornado took my colonies and a deadout hive on March 5, 2022. That was one month ago. Since that time, I’ve had many generous people assisting me — going on-site while I was out of state to assess and make surviving colonies right, offers of splits, donations of money to cover what ELAP (Emergency…

working on my “why”

I read _Start with Why_ by Simon Sinek last year and found that I’ve stayed true to my personal mission or goal statement for years. I didn’t have a personal mission statement for most of my life, but at some point, I got very intentional. From reading the book, I’m thinking that perhaps a “why”…