julia teaching beekeeping 101

I believe that there is power in numbers.

Not numerology, but numbers of organized people working for the same cause. In this case, beekeeping. I believe that people are our biggest resource and relationships teach us a lot. I also believe that hunches are more powerful when you can support them with data; I really like record keeping and tracking tiny count-able things. Descriptions below.

butterfly milkweed
Exploratory Beekeeping
swarm cell
Beekeeping courses
jeff holding a frame of bees
Beekeeping 101
bee hive in winter
Winter Beekeeping

If you are interested in beekeeping, I can help you decide with my Exploratory Beekeeping course, which is available on-demand >click here for the digital course<. I also teach continuing education courses for brand new, current, and returning beekeepers. Check Johnston Community Education every semester for current offerings. My Beekeeping 101 course is certified with the Great Plains Master Beekeeping Program and I am in continuous education with the IPM4Bees program, a partnership of Midwestern universities. Lastly, I send a monthly support email for things that fall outside of classes like reminders and other “bee things” to think about.

Outside of teaching, I want to connect people to the larger food system and agriculture world. I work to improve the adoption rate of best management practices as I understand them. To do so, I co-coordinate a bee club called the Des Moines Backyard Beekeepers. Prospective and current local beekeepers are welcome to join the club both online and in person. In-person meetings are announced on the club website. We get together every month to talk bees. In between meetings, we talk online in our Facebook group.

Additionally, I belong to a regional group and have done work with a statewide group. They have a place in the beekeeper community as well. We are blessed to have a bee research lab at Iowa State University. We also have a high quality state apiarist at the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.

Bonus if you have read this far on the page: Are your bees ready for winter?