julia uncapping a frame of honey

I pull and process each frame of honey by hand myself.

I keep beehives in beautiful, protected areas in rural Madison County. My honey is a safe and honest food. I pour and store in glass jars. I also have plastic squeeze bottles available for dispensing because I understand being practical — just ask me.

Aug 2024: I pulled honey frames 8/4/2024. Harvest and bottling will occur soon.


  • PepperHarrow honey will be available at their sales outlets after the State Fair.
  • Untilled Honey will be available through an emailed request due to very limited inventory.

Once the honey is gone, we have to wait until next year

I am here to tell you that my honey is:

  • Filtered one time with a coarse filter, so you may find pollen grains in your honey.
  • Possibly going to turn (or crystallize), especially if it is kept in a cool place. Honey never spoils, so don’t throw it in the trash if it hardens! Set it in a very warm water bath as needed and it will re-liquefy.

One fun fact: all the honey in the picture below came from the same year, but different hives, different times of the year! The flavor and color of honey depends on the nectar used to create it.  Honey bees are quite miraculous in this way.

jars of honey of different colors