A Beekeeper’s Year phenology calendar – hardcopy pack of 10


It’s a fact that diverse forage is key to honey bee nutrition and immunity. This guide aims to increase and take advantage of your floral awareness in the bee yard and hopefully inspire you to plant more native species.

8 in stock (can be backordered)



Are you missing nectar flows? What bee-loving plants could you add during periods of dearth?

A Beekeeper’s Year (prairie edition) Calendar was crowd-sourced from many Iowans and designed to encourage beekeepers to work with nature and get answers to those questions above.

The Calendar combines beekeeping activities as they relate to phenology in a calendar year. Written for multiple learning styles with chronological tables with words only on the other side (phenology on the left and beekeeping chores on the right) and a graphic, low text version with the same information shown visually on the reverse. 

Original design is 11″ x 17″ and folded once to 8.5″ x 11″ for convenient storage.

The Calendar is free due to grant funding and comes in (1) pack of ten for $6. Price shows postage, handling, hosting, and banking fees. If you need less than ten, order the quantity 1 and contact me with the amount desired.

This calendar comes from collaborating with many Iowans participating in my grant, and you can read details here: https://projects.sare.org/sare_project/fnc21-1289/

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 11 × 17 in



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