Kitchen update

Last you knew, I had tiled a portion of my kitchen floor. We need to level and set the cabinets before we can move on. Here’s what the room looks like: We will work to install a granite tile counter and more tile on the floor in our next step. The joists under the floor…

House work

You know your child thinks that improvements are normal when she plays with the chalk line and hardboard like a pencil and paper. Mr. TellBlast was working on round 2 of tiling the floor this evening. I cut and dry fit them last night. We are dreading finishing the floor inside the closets, but it…

P52: Fiesta or Siesta

My bathroom is finished, and now we’re finishing the kitchen. Really, we are. So while I can’t say this is an all out fiesta and I’m celebrating my new kitchen, I will say that I’m firmly NOT in siesta mode. No sleeping until this project is over. How about a mini-fiesta in getting a tiny step…